
What is duck duck go app
What is duck duck go app

Google has chosen not to follow this simple formula. No information is required to show the consumer ads regarding cars. A good example is a consumer searching for the word “car”. Money is made according to the traffic generated and advertisements served. To earn a profit in web searches, tracking consumers is not necessary. Google ad networks are massive and embedded throughout apps and websites numbering in the millions. This is the reason annoying and intrusive banner ads are constantly appearing. Google tracks and mines user searches to package everything into a data profile available to advertisers.

what is duck duck go app

This type of information should be kept private, but this is not the way information is processed on Google. Many individuals share personal details regarding their family, friends, feelings and experiences. In the modern world, personal information is shared with search engines without a second thought including personal, financial and health issues.

What is duck duck go app